
Instructions for authors

All articles will go through an initial review of a member of the editorial collective before being forwarded to at least two external and expert anonymous reviewers.

For efficiency in the review process, authors should check whether their submissions adhere to the following submission guidelines.

  1. The manuscript has not been previously published nor is it currently under review in another journal for publication.
  2. For articles, the length of the manuscript should be at least 5,000 words but should not exceed 8,000 words including footnotes and bibliography; for reviews, reports, and commentaries, the length of the manuscript should be at least 1,000 words but should not exceed 3,000 words.
  3. The file should be in Microsoft Office, Open Office, or any plain text format.
  4. The manuscript should follow the Chicago Manual of Style with the author-date citation. All bibliographic entries should follow the title case (Pook at Paninindigan: Kritika ng Pantayong Pananaw) instead of the sentence case (Pook at paninindigan: Kritika ng pantayon pananaw).
  5. An abstract of no more than 250 words and a set of 5-7 keywords should accompany the manuscript.
  6. The manuscript should be prepared for blind review and should not contain the author’s or authors’ name/s and identity/identities. A separate document entitled Title Page should be attached along with the manuscript. This should contain the name/s of the author/s, institutional affiliation, and biographical note/s.
  7. All manuscripts should be submitted through the journal’s email .

Editorial Process

For a smooth and fast process of publication, the following reminders should be diligently considered by the authors.

  1. Immediately after a manuscript is received, it will be reviewed by a member of the editorial collective to assess its quality and to check if it fits well to the aims and scope of the journal. Upon initial review, the manuscript will either be immediately rejected or forwarded for the next stage of blind review. The blind review process will take one to two months.
  2. The editor-in-chief will evaluate the reports of the reviewers. The editor-in-chief will decide whether the manuscript will be accepted without revisions, accepted pending minor revisions, accepted pending major revisions, or rejected.
  3. Authors of accepted manuscripts are given a maximum of two months to work on the revisions as suggested by the reviewers. Failure to comply within the said duration means the non-inclusion of the article in the forthcoming issue. However, the article could still be considered for publication in the next issue should the author finally comply with the needed revisions and the editor-in-chief deems the manuscript still of significance.
  4. The AGSJ currently publishes annually, every October.

Read our latest issue

Volume 2 (2023)